You can also find them on Amazon if you’ve got credit to spend, but the current seller there (as of March 9th, 2020) has them listed for a whopping $128, so you’ll have to be the judge of that one. You can order the set directly from The Noble Collection or from Barnes & Noble for $95. They’d work nicely with your fancy schmancy hardcover collection, or those big illustrated editions they’ve been putting out the past few years. The bookends are heavy and well constructed, capable of holding quite a few books with ease. Unique Wizard Book Ends, Book Stopper, HP Metal Bookend, Metal Bookend, Hogwarts Gift, Gift for Potter Lovers, Harry Book Ends, Booklovers. The magical express is presented as a hand-painted set of two bookends, depicting the engine and carriages respectively entering and exiting a “tunnel” through your books. Today I’ll point your attention to their Hogwarts Express bookend set, modeled after the series’ train of the same name. Lilys last words were an ardent request to the Dark Lord to let her little boy live. She died at her home in Godrics Hollow trying to protect infant Harry, whom Voldemort was hell-bent on murdering. Harry Potter moms are probably familiar with the golden stitch, but what about the golden castle These resin and fiberboard bookends feature a golden.

Harry potter book ends with movie#
If you’re super into Harry Potter collectibles then you probably already know about The Noble Collection, but in case you don’t, they’re a company that makes a bunch of officially licensed HP merchandise and movie prop replicas. have mercy.' Lily Potters death practically set in motion the wheels for the entire series.